Suicide Prevention

Help For People In Crisis

Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust | Te Whare Oranga Ngākau is located at the Hope Centre | Te Whare Tūmanako, 63 Hanover Street, in Dunedin. The Hope Centre is a safe place for those in crisis.

We are open:
9am - 5.30pm Tuesday  
9am - 9pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
1pm - 9pm Saturday and Sunday

Phone: 027 240 0114

In an emergency or if you feel you or someone you know is at risk, dial 111.

If someone has attempted suicide, or you’re worried about their immediate safety, please act quickly:

Call your local mental health crisis assessment team or go with the person to the emergency department (ED) at your nearest hospital.

Try to stay calm and let them know you care.

Keep them talking and make sure you are safe.

Do not leave them alone.

Stay with them until other support arrives.

Remove any obvious means of suicide they might use.

Need to Talk?

Help lines can offer professional help 24/7.

Having Suicidal Thoughts?

Having suicidal thoughts can be overwhelming and sometimes terrifying.

It can be really hard to know what to do and how to cope.

Suicidal ideation, also known as suicidal thoughts, is thinking about, or an unusual preoccupation with suicide.

The range of suicidal ideation varies greatly from fleeting thoughts to extensive thoughts, to detailed planning.

Most people who have suicidal thoughts do not go on to make suicide attempts, but suicidal thoughts are considered a risk factor.

Let’s Talk About It

What to look out for?
What are the warning signs?

If you are worried someone might be thinking about suicide, do not be afraid to ask them directly.

Most people thinking about taking their life will try to let someone know, but they often won’t say this directly.

You may notice:

They are hurting themselves, for example, cutting skin or taking an overdose

Sudden weight loss or gain

Reading or writing about suicide online, or posting photos or videos about suicide

Reckless behaviour/Not caring

They do not seem to be coping with any problems they may be having

Changes in mood- becoming depressed, angry or enraged

They feel worthless, guilty or ashamed

Saying they want to die or kill themselves

They have no hope for future

Use of drugs or alcohol to cope with difficult feeling or thoughts

They suddenly seem calm or happy after they have been depressed or suicidal

They give away possessions, pay back debts or tie up loose ends

They seem to have lost interest in life or things they used to enjoy

They stop taking medications

Becoming obsessed with death

Are You Concerned About Someone?

  • If someone has thoughts and feelings about suicide, take them very seriously.
  • If you are worried someone might be thinking about suicide, do not be afraid to ask them directly.
  • Try to make the environment safe from any means of harm.
  • If the person is feeling unsafe, or you think they are at high risk, don’t leave them alone.
  • You could ask someone else to be with them when you need to leave or need time out.
  • If they’re feeling more settled they might appreciate some time alone. However, don’t leave them alone for long periods of time.
  • Take them to an emergency service and make sure they get help immediately if you are concerned.

I am really worried about someone I know.
What can I do?

Free Treatment